Any baptized Catholic who is seriously ill or facing major surgery is encouraged to receive this sacrament, either by individual appointment or at one of our anointing masses. Elderly persons who are in a weakened condition may also be anointed. Because it is a Sacrament of peace, consolation, and forgiveness, you may receive the Sacrament more than once, even for the same illness.
Nativity Parish celebrates a communal Sacrament of Anointing twice each year – in early summer and late fall. Members of our community who are mobile and in need of receiving this sacrament are encouraged to attend this special Mass of Anointing.
If you, a family member, fellow parishioner or someone in your care wishes to receive the Sacrament of Anointing, please contact us at the information below to schedule an appointment.
The sacrament of Anointing can also take a special form when someone is near death (this is sometimes called the "Last Rites"). A renewal of baptismal promises and the Apostolic Pardon are two elements that give the sacrament this special character in those circumstances.
If your need is immediate or regarding a death or serious illness, please call the parish office at (651) 696-5401 and press #1 if you receive a recording.