Nativity of Our Lord is again collecting food and monetary donations as part of the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign.
Why? Because hunger affects one in every ten Minnesotans, and almost 14% of children in Minnesota are food-insecure.
It’s the largest grassroots food and fund drive in the state, accomplished by participating groups and individuals engaged in the fight against hunger in support of our 300 partner food shelves, including Keystone Community Services, our local food shelf partner.
Food can be dropped off in the back of church throughout the campaign, which runs through Saturday, April 6.
Cash or checks can be placed in the collection, with checks payable to Keystone Community Service, and “food shelf” in the memo. Cash can be placed in the collection baskets in an envelope marked “food shelf."
Please help us to end hunger in Minnesota by supporting our local food shelf. With your help, we can partner to answer God’s call to help those in need!
Today, 1 in 10 Minnesota families experiences food insecurity. In 2015, there were over 3.2 million food shelf visits in Minnesota, half of which were made by children and seniors. Visit for more information.