To prepare for this year’s Advent Family Service Morning event, on Saturday, December 7, we will start collecting winter donations (coats, hats, gloves, socks, and boots for children and/or adults) for Saint Vincent de Paul Society in the school and church on Monday, December 2. Please drop donations in the labeled bins.
Then on Saturday, December 7, the Family Service Morning will start in Steiner Hall (and proceed to the school cafeteria) and will run from 9:00-10:00AM. Through our hearts and hands, the Nativity School community will be working on the following projects that day:
Preparing fleece blankets to be donated through Catholic Charities
Repacking diapers for mothers in need through Second Stork
Writing letters to members of the military through Operation Empowering Hope
Preparing celebration bags for Keystone Food Pantry
Making decorations for the upcoming Advent Parishioner Brunch (Saturday, Dec. 7)
Collecting winter clothing (coats, hats, gloves, socks, scarves, and boots for children and/or adults - no scarves please) to donate through Saint Vincent de Paul Society
Stringing decade rosary beads for our Liturgy of the Word children
Making holiday gifts for Backpacks of Love, delivered to our neighbors at Groveland Elementary
This event is open to all students and families - it will truly be a morning of beautiful witness and joy as we prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christmas season!