We had forty-four kids in Totus Tuus Day Program, 32 teens in the evening program, and 16 teens at Steubenville Saint Paul Conference! AMAZING GRACE! All gory be to God. We give thanks to God and our neighbors!
Thank you for your prayers, support, and generosity! Nativity of Our Lord community went above and beyond for our youth.
A special thank you to the Men's Club for sponsoring the 2022-2023 budget for Nativity Youth Ministry!
A special thank you to NCCW for sponsoring Totus Tuus and the Steubenville Conference!
Thank you to Father Bill and Father Patrick for their ongoing support of our youth and especially during Totus Tuus week and Steubenville weekend.
Thank you to our host families and adult volunteers who helped make this possible by serving as host homes, providing dinner and lunch for the team, and overseeing classrooms and overall logistics for the week:
Thank you to all the teen volunteers! Your presence with the little ones shows leadership, love, and care for the next generation! Thank you for giving back and then coming for your own Totus Tuus program in the evening.
Youth Leaders: Steubenville was amazing because of you, Emily Meyer and Ross Gillespie! Thank you for your "Yes" to God and for the love, the energy, the enthusiasm, and the JOY!
Parish office staff: Thank you to everyone in the Lannan Center. The ones who mostly stay behind the scenes but work tremendously for the success of our all Faith Formation programs! I thank God for each of you!
We are looking forward to welcoming more children and teens next year!