Seven catechumens along with six RCIA candidates celebrated the Rite of Sending on Sunday, February 18, which acknowledged their readiness to continue their journey into the Catholic Church which will culminate during the Easter Vigil.
That same afternoon, Nativity’s catechumens, candidates, and their sponsors joined another 500 candidates and their sponsors from all over the Archdiocese at the Cathedral for both the Rite of Election for those soon to be baptized and the Rite of Continuing Conversion for those already baptized in another Christian faith tradition but are now looking forward to being received into the Catholic Church at that same Easter Vigil.
Let’s hold in our prayers our Elect, who will be Baptized, Confirmed, and will receive their First Holy Communion at this year’s Easter Vigil, as well as our candidates as they continue their journey through the RCIA season of Purification and Enlightenment, the time during Lent when they prepare to be received into the Catholic Church.