We wish to extend the warmest of welcomes to our newest adult members of the Catholic faith and of Nativity of Our Lord! Read their personal statements of their faith journeys through our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program. Many thanks to all for your support and prayers for our newest members!
The priests of Nativity sent a pastoral letter to all households to assure them of their prayers and support, update them on the state of operations, and inform them on how to stay connected and make the most of this time.
Please pray for our 16 catechumens and candidates as they seek deeper conversion to Christ and his Church, and may their collective enthusiasm and desire for the sacraments encourage us all.
Beginning Monday, June 25 and continuing through Friday, August 28, the upper church will be closed for maintenance. The church maintenance project will include pew restoration, hardwood floor stripping and staining, and lighting updates.