Through prayerful discernment, the Lord revealed to our Director of Discipleship, Mahalia Marcelin, that he
has new plans for her, and she has decided to resign from her role here at Nativity of Our Lord, effective December 31.
As always, any baptized Catholic who is seriously ill is encouraged to contact us to receive this sacrament as soon as possible, and if anticipating major surgery to make an appointment prior.
We wish to extend the warmest of welcomes to our newest adult members of the Catholic faith and of Nativity of Our Lord! Read their personal statements of their faith journeys through our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program. Many thanks to all for your support and prayers for our newest members!
Volunteers are needed to lead Word and Communion Services monthly at the Alton and Wellington homes in the area, as well as to deliver Communion to our homebound parishioners weekly.
RCIA is the process by which persons who were never baptized, or were baptized in another Christian tradition, become members of the Church, a people on pilgrimage to our Heavenly Father.
Tuesday and Friday 5pm Masses to return, with Confessions beforehand; Distancing requirements removed; Adoration to move to chapel, expand overnight Tuesday into Wednesday afternoon, pending commitments
Fr. Patrick details the transition to full capacity in the church and previews a Mass schedule change. He also welcomes our new Faith Formation Director, and congratulates the soon-to-be Fr. David Hottinger and 1st Communicants.
We, the priests and principals of the Nativity community, want to look directly at some painful sores that cover the suffering members of the universal Church, choosing not to ignore them, but treat them in openness and shared purpose.
Please pray for our 16 catechumens and candidates as they seek deeper conversion to Christ and his Church, and may their collective enthusiasm and desire for the sacraments encourage us all.
Beginning Monday, June 25 and continuing through Friday, August 28, the upper church will be closed for maintenance. The church maintenance project will include pew restoration, hardwood floor stripping and staining, and lighting updates.