Through prayerful discernment, the Lord revealed to our Director of Discipleship, Mahalia Marcelin, that he
has new plans for her, and she has decided to resign from her role here at Nativity of Our Lord, effective December 31.
Registration is now open for Faith Formation at Nativity of Our Lord beginning in the fall for Grades 1-8. Classes are Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 PM in Nativity School beginning Wednesday, September 18.
I am very pleased to announce that two religious sisters from the order of the Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus will be coming to work in our School and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program, beginning this fall.
I am the new Assistant Director of Discipleship - Faith Formation and am so excited to be a part of Nativity of Our Lord. I look forward to meeting you!
Videos are being viewed in small group meetings and are now also available for anyone else who wants to learn about prayer — whether they're brand new to an intentional prayer life, or seasoned vets.
Our Lenten Small Groups have officially launched as part of year one of the Archdiocesan Synod Implementation. Thank you to the 220 parishioners who signed up for our 26 small groups this Lent!
Here is the plan for the entire Lenten Series on Prayer from our Pastor, Fr. Rolf Tollefson. Videos will viewed in small group meetings and will also be available for anyone else who wants to learn about prayer — whether they're brand new to an intentional prayer life, or seasoned vets.
In the first three days of online sign-up over 170 of you signed up for 27 different small groups, filling many of them. We'd particularly like more men and more School parents sign up. Registration will close January 31.
Archbishop Hebda hopes every parishioner in every parish will eventually be in some kind of small group within the parish. Why not begin with us this Lent?
The Small Group Leader Formation series continues with detailed instruction into the Parish Evangelization Cells System (PECS), the small groups which are intended to be missionary communities within the parish.
You may have been involved with the Synod over the last three years, or you may not have heard much about it. Here’s an update on where we’ve been, and where we are going.
While retaining her responsibilities in Faith Formation, the scope of her role will expand to include hospitality as well as further outreach and evangelization-forward opportunities.
It is with joy that I am letting you know that I have been promoted to Director of Discipleship. I count on your prayers as I embark on this new journey with Jesus and you!